Void Signal
Pirate radio from beyond the stars. Featured: HEALTH, IAMX, Stabbing Westward, Battle Tapes, Ashbury Heights, many more.
Void Signal is a thoughtful radio show for dark music subcultures. With a focus on meeting people for who they are and being candid, host Brian Prime brings out the best in his guests. Their music, or music of their choice, helps paint a more complete portrait of the humans underneath. VoidSignal.net for more.
Void Signal
Mari Kattman
Void Signal returns with Mari Kattman (Shear). We talk about Discord, anxiety, mental health, ASMR, upcoming shows, the future of her music, the scene, and we argue about merch.
Featured Songs:
-Mari Kattman - Swallow
Void Signal Intro/Outro courtesy of Processor.
Visit https://marikattman.bandcamp.com/ for more Mari Kattman or any streaming platform.
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