Void Signal

Harvest Trivia II with AL1CE, Nyxx, & Ratio Strain

Void Signal / AL1CE / Nyxx / Ratio Strain Season 3 Episode 10

Nyxx and I hang out until it's time for trivia with Tash Cox of AL1CE and Vanessa of Ratio Strain. See how you do in the Paranormal Romance Novel or Metal Song category.
Featured Songs:
-AL1CE - See Me
-Nyxx - Nightmare
-Ratio Strain - Liminal

Void Signal Intro/Outro courtesy of Processor.

Visit https://ilikealice.bandcamp.com/ for more AL1CE.
Visit https://nyxxnyxxnyxx.bandcamp.com/ for more Nyxx.
Visit https://rati0strain.bandcamp.com/ for more Ratio Strain.

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